Welcome to Ozone Hospital

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Ozone Hospitals

Kothapet +91 4022 108 108 / 953 338 8108

Alwal +91 4024 400 108 / 910 022 3377



Rehabilitation services are an integral part of the comprehensive infrastructure of Ozone Hospital.  They motivate patients who have been disoriented due to diseases, trauma, injury, or treatment to regain the lost or negatively impacted physical, mental and cognitive abilities.

The rehabilitation services include-

  • Physiotherapy Services- The efficient physiotherapy services contribute to the speedy recovery of the patients by preventing complications, improving respiratory functions and ensuring easy mobility. Expert physiotherapists assigned to the patients assess, advise and provide consistent care.
  • Speech and Language Therapy Services- Such palliative care is provided to patients with difficulty in communicating and swallowing. A team of qualified and experienced therapists is in direct contact with the patients to diagnose, supervise and help combat their disorders.