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Ozone Hospitals

Kothapet +91 4022 108 108 / 953 338 8108

Alwal +91 4024 400 108 / 910 022 3377



At Ozone hospitals, ENMG is among the most excelled tests in the entire city that are conducted by modern and well-advanced technologies with accurate care. It is a series of tests that evaluates the function of the peripheral nervous systems. Also known as electrodiagnosis, the tests are performed in a series and assessed collectively, to arrive at a diagnosis of neuromuscular weakness.

The following tests are done for neuromuscular and muscles diseases:

  1. Sensory nerve conductions
  2. Motor nerve conductions
  3. Repetitive nerve stimulation (slow and rapid)
  4. Short exercise test
  5. Routine and quantitative needle EMG
  6. Single fibre EMG: voluntary and stimulated.

It is an outpatient procedure that takes place inside the Ozone hospitals itself. ENMG is done by Neurologists and Physical medicine doctors perform these tests. The following procedures are performed during the test:

  1. Needle EMG procedure
  2. NCV needle

Both procedures help the doctors to detect and diagnose the underlying cause of Neuromuscular symptoms.