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Ozone Hospitals

Kothapet +91 4022 108 108 / 953 338 8108

Alwal +91 4024 400 108 / 910 022 3377

Microbiology & Serology


Ozone hospital is highly acclaimed for its laboratory medical services in the entire city. The microbiology laboratory performs lab tests which include diagnostic bacteriology, mycology, parasitology, virology, and mycobacteriology. The laboratory receives specimens from in-patients and out-patients of Ozone hospital. The department is well equipped with the best instruments, manned by experienced technicians for comprehensive diagnostic counterparts.

The role of Microbiology laboratories are as follows:

  1. Patient diagnosis and management
  2. Taking challenges of new Microbiological specimens
  3. Quality assurance
  4. Future developments

The Microbiology laboratory of this hospital is divided into sections like:

  1. Aerobic and Anaerobic bacteriology
  2. Mycology
  3. Parasitology
  4. Mycobacteriology

Our team of qualified and experienced laboratory technicians work round-the-clock to ensure quality laboratory reports with the shortest possible turnaround time.


At Ozone hospitals, the serology laboratory medical service analyses blood specimens for diseases of public health significance. A serology blood test is carried out to detect and analyse the levels of antibodies due to exposure to a particular bacteria or virus. The laboratory department is filled with the best well-experienced and trained lab technicians working to deliver resorts in a short round time.

The tests performed by this section of the laboratory include:

  1. Hepatitis B infection or past infection
  2. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) status
  3. Rubella immune status

This laboratory service department has several programs including:

  1. CDC Referrals
  2. Microbial serology
  3. Syphilis serology
  4. Arbovirus serology

The serological tests available in the hospital lab:

  1. Rapid serology test (RST)
  2. ELIZA
  3. Neutralization assay